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Thursday, July 22, 2021

banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf

 banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf 

banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf published this article  In this clash of civilization whose side are you on This is not a clash of civilizations. Western culture is inextricably intertwined with Islamic knowledge teachings and philosophy. Christian fundamentalists have more in common with Muslim militants than with East Coast or French intellectuals. Muslims have always been the Wests most defining Other. Islamic existence and gaze helped to mold the Wests emerging identity as a historical construct. From Spain to India the incessant friction and fertilizing interactions with Islam shaped Western values beliefs doctrines moral tenets political and military institutions arts and sciences. This war is about world domination. Two incompatible thought and value systems compete for the hearts and minds and purchasing power of the denizens of the global village. Like in the Westerns by high noon either one of them is left standing  or both will have perished. Where does my loyalty reside I am a Westerner so I hope the West wins this confrontation. But in the process it would be good if it were humbled deconstructed and reconstructed. One beneficial outcome of this conflict is the demise of the superpower system  a relic of days bygone and best forgotten. I fully believe and trust that in militant Islam the United States has found its match. In other words I regard militant Islam as a catalyst that will hasten the transformation of the global power structure from unipolar to multipolar. It may also commute the United States itself. It will definitely rejuvenate religious thought and cultural discourse. All wars do. Arent you overdoing it After all alQaida is just a bunch of terrorists on the run The West is not fighting alQaida. It is facing down the circumstances and ideas that gave rise to alQaida. Conditions  such as poverty ignorance disease oppression and xenophobic superstitions  are difficult to change or to reverse. Ideas are impossible to suppress. Already militant Islam is far more widespread and established that any Western government would care to admit. History shows that all terrorist groupings ultimately join the mainstream. Many countries  from Israel to Ireland and from East Timor to Nicaragua  are governed by former terrorists. Terrorism enhances social upward mobility and fosters the redistribution of wealth and resources from the haves to haves not. AlQaida despite its ominous portrayal in the Western press  is no exception. It too will succumb in due time to the twin lures of power and money. Nihilistic and decentralized as it is  its express goals are the rule of Islam and equitable economic development. It is bound to get its way in some countries. The world of the future will be truly pluralistic. The proselytizing zeal of Liberal Democracy and Capitalism has rendered them illiberal and intolerant. The West must accept the fact that a sizable chunk of humanity does not regard materialism individualism liberalism progress and democracy  at least in their Western guises  as universal or desirable. Live and let live and live and let die must replace the Wests malignant optimism and intellectual and spiritual arrogance. Edward K. Thompson the managing editor of Life from 1949 to 1961 once wrote Life must be curious alert erudite and moral but it must achieve this without being holierthanthou a cynic a knowitall or a Peeping Tom. The West has grossly and thoroughly violated Thompsons edict. banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf

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