competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Pratiyogita kiran English

 Pratiyogita kiran English

Pratiyogita kiran English by kiran prakashan delhi published this article page no 17 nobody could spend money like him until this president that is. at least reagan bankrupted the soviet union and drove them out of power. what does bush have to show for his trillions? a war without clearly defined objectives and hundreds of billions in pork spending that no society can afford. he is the first president in my lifetime that has chosen not to exercise the power of the veto. this gay congressman was not a sleeper. people around him knew his peculiarities. they chose to ignore them for their own reasons. foley was running to be senator from florida a couple of years ago and the party torpedoed the nomination to give it to mel martinez out of fear that word would get out. the speaker of the house of representatives knew something was up and decided to keep quiet. dont these guys realize by now that things dont blow over. word gets out it always does whether its hewlett packard trying to snuff out corporate eavesdropping or enron trying to bury their financial worries in lies to wall street pratiyogita kiran monthly magazinefree download.

 Pratiyogita kiran English

Competition success magazine

 Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine use full for civil services students published this article page no 13 it simply could no longer handle the ever increasing traffic flow across the river. well it was actually sinking in the thames river. nevertheless an american entrepreneur named robert p. mcculloch recognized a wonderful opportunity when the british government put it up for sale. he made a bid for ownership of the bridge and on april 18 1968 won the auction for a sum of $2460000. mr. mcculloch who was the founder of lake havasu city and also chairman of mcculloch oil corporation then had london bridge taken apart. with each stone being carefully marked it was sent off on a barge to make its journey from europe to the united states competition success review.

 Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine

 Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine use full for civil services students published this article page no 12 london bridge is falling down falling down falling down. you remember that song from childhood no doubt. but did you know that the london bridge is actually located in the beautiful town of lake havasu city in arizona united states of america? the world-famous london bridge in lake havasu city attracts hundred of thousands of visitors year-round from all around the world. it is a focal point for the city and a crossing between the bridgewater channel from the mainland and a little island on the colorado river. heres a little background on the legendary bridge that resides in this historic american city. in 1962 after standing for over 130 years the bridge which was originally located in london was really falling down just like in the nursery rhyme competition success review.

 Competition success magazine

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Junior science refresher magazine

 Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine published this article page no 14 theyre even resilient enough to handle low temperatures (anything above freezing) and can pass unharmed through the digestive tract of most fish. moreover they reproduce asexually and are livebreeders meaning they produce a number of perfectly formed little clones so even one can spawn a colony. new zealand mud snail densities of more than ½ million snails per square yard have been found in yellowstone park. with no natural predators to keep it in check theres every possibility native snail species will be out-competed into extinction and native plant species overwhelmed. such an unbalancing presence can decimate other species such as trout something that gives the colorado fish and wildlife department and dedicated wyoming fishing enthusiasts reason for pause bright group of publications junior science refresher.

 Junior science refresher magazine

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription published this article page no 15 he asked if he lifted the nose of the glider could he crawl out to which he received the reply ill try and as he lifted the wreckage john ainsworth crawled out.  after getting a medic to see to john ainsworths injuries jim wallwork began his secondary task of unloading ammunition and carrying it forward to the men on the bridge it was now 00.22 hrs six minutes after the first glider had landed and reports of what was happening started to reach maj howard.  the first information to come in was about den brotheridge this was devastating news as they were the best of friends.  the next piece of news he received was that lt david wood and his platoon sergeant had also been hit two of his three platoons at the bridge were now without their platoon commander.  this was followed up with a report from 14 platoon that informed him of lt smiths injuries Merisaheli hindi magazine subscription. 

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription published this article page no 16 whilst sandy smith was still on his feet maj howard could not help thinking that he had effectively lost all three of his platoon commanders at the canal bridge added to this he did not know what was happening at the orne river bridge at the orne river bridge the action was nowhere near as dramatic glider 94 had missed the target area altogether landing some eight miles away near one of the bridges over the river dives by varaville the halifax crew had released the glider in the wrong place due to a navigational error glider 96 piloted by s/sgt roy howard and s/sgt fred baacke was the only one of the three gliders to come to rest on lz y.  at 00.20 hrs they made an easy landing coming to a halt some three hundred yards from the bridge in this glider were lt dennis fox and 17 platoon Meri saheli hindi magazine subscription. 

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Thursday, August 26, 2021

banking services chronicle current affairs

 banking services chronicle current affairs 

Published this article : banking services chronicle current affairs  On April 8 2003 in a testimony before the Senate Steel Caucus industry executives urged legislators to ignore the future decision of a World Trade Organization appeals panel widely expected to uphold an earlier preliminary ruling that U.S.-imposed steel tariffs flouted international trade law. Several senators called on the United States to withdraw from the multilateral body. Wilbur Ross chairman of International Steel Group blamed the burgeoning balance of payments deficit on the rulings and regulations of the WTO. According to Steve Seidenberg in the National Law Journal defiance of the WTO is a growing trend. Gary Horlick of the Washington DC law firm Wilmer Cutler & Pickering reckons that one in seven judgments rendered by the WTOs dispute mechanisms have been hitherto ignored. Nor is the USA alone in its transgressions. Ten polities - including the European Union and Canada - are serial violators. The WTO cannot enforce its decrees. It can only grant complainants permission to retaliate by imposing their own tariffs on products imported from the unrepentant country. This is a blunt and ineffective instrument. Experts warn of a return to unilateralism with the entire edifice of multilateral trade law discredited. Revamping the dispute settlement rules is one item on the agenda of the current phase of trade negotiations dubbed in a November 2001 WTO Ministerial Conference the Doha Development Round. Like the rest of the itinerary it is going nowhere fast. Alarmed by a looming and unrealistic deadline on May 31 2003 the Chairman of the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) Peter Balas proposed to first concentrate on a framework document followed by a draft text. But as James Wolfensohn the former President of the World Bank observed with everyone preoccupied with Baghdad Doha - arguably far more crucial to the global economy - is sidelined. This is unfortunate - and ominous. The 146 members of the WTO - the newest one being Macedonia - failed to agree on the future shape of farm trade by the stipulated deadline of March 31 2003. The goalposts were then moved again and again with a deadline conference in December 2005. The September 2003 Ministerial Conference convenes in Cancun Mexico was an abysmal failure. In the meantime the multilateral regime which bolstered international trade in the past 10 years is being supplanted by a patchwork of bilateral and regional treaties albeit subject to WTO rules. Scholars disagree whether in the absence of a global compact these are preferable to the status quo. But everyone accepts that international rules are the best option. But divisions run deep. India - an important player and the unofficial spokesperson for the less privileged club - joined Cuba Egypt Malaysia Dominican Republic Honduras and Jamaica in demanding special and differential developing country provisions. With Indonesia Malaysia Mauritius Egypt Kenya Nigeria Tanzania Uganda and Zimbabwe it insists on preferential market access for the groups non-agricultural goods. The developing countries regard the previous Uruguay Round as a rip-off perpetrated by the club of developed and industrialized countries at the expense of the indigent. They have sworn not be led down the garden path again. Hence their furious resistance to demands to expand the negotiations to include such issues as animal welfare food safety and labeling and the protection of geographical trade names. They see these as thinly veiled attempts to introduce trade restraints through the backdoor. Instead they want to concentrate on their main exports - agricultural produce and textiles - on tariff reductions and preferences special treatment for certain products and safeguard provisions. Some of them want rich-world farm and export subsidies - totaling more than $300 billion a year - dramatically reduced or even eliminated altogether. Export credits and state-owned trading enterprises are also contentious topics. The atmosphere is so dour that no one even broaches industrial tariffs and anti-dumping. Poor countries are especially incensed at the United States for having torpedoed an agreement to grant poor countries access to generic drugs to fight AIDS and other diseases - and at the European Union for postponing any serious tweaking of its egregious Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to 2013. The United States - faced with inane European subventions - raised its own farm support by a whopping four fifths in May 2003. Yet it is still far below EU largesse. America is also the prime driver - together with the Cairns group of agricultural exporters (including Canada New Zealand Australia and Brazil) - of a bold initiative to cut subsidies down to 5 percent of production to slash tariffs to 25 percent and to abolish all export-related aid. Japan insensitively is trying to reduce its rice import quota. Together with Norway India the EU and South Korea - known as the friends of multifunctionality - it is championing an unworkable linear formula by which countries should cut subsidies and tariffs equally irrespective of prevailing levels of farm aid. Even so the EU would like to slash subsidies by no more than 45 to 55 percent and tariffs by less than 36 percent as per the WTOs Agreement on Agriculture. Nor is the camp of developing countries either homogeneous or cohesive. African and Caribbean nations enjoy preferential access to markets in the EU and the United States. Others - notably India - are terrified of the inevitable onslaught of efficient competition following farm liberalization. But no country rich or poor seems to be preparing its agricultural sector to cope with the impact of a successful Doha round. Time is running out. The term of Pascal Lamy the EUs capable trade commissioner ended in 2004 and he was replaced by Peter Mandelson. President George Bushs fast track negotiating authority expires in 2007 if he makes it that far. As The Economist warns the peace clause yielded by the Uruguay Round elapsed on December 31 2003. While in force it prevented a deluge of farm-related litigation from erupting on the scene. A trickle is already evident Brazil has sued both the USA and the EU over cotton and sugar subsidies respectively. Textile wars erupted between China and both the EU and the USA and were settled by inconclusive short-term agreements. The crisis at the WTO is part of a global transition from the multilateralism that characterized the Cold War - to unilateralism or rather bilateralism. The breakdown of consensus-based alliances strains international institutions and laws. National - or supranational - interests emerge as renewed sources of legitimacy. While the United States may be blamed for the demise of political multilateralism - it is the EU that is largely responsible for the collapse of the international economic order. The Doha Development Agenda falls prey to these geopolitical upheavals as it tries to tackle the most prickly issues. In a presentation in March 2003 to the 3rd International Temperate Rice Conference in Punte del Este Uruguay Dan Horovitz of the Theodore Goddard law firm in Brussels reminded the participants how uncertain the outcomes are Whereas the average non-agricultural worldwide tariff is 4 percent the average tariff imposed by developed countries on agricultural products is 40 percent with peaks as high as 500 percent ... The new Rounds negotiations are of paramount importance for the very viability and credibility of the WTO system. A failure to provide for proper solutions to the problems of the global agricultural trade would have particularly devastating results not only for trade in agriculture but for the current trading system as a whole. banking services chronicle current affairs

 banking services chronicle current affairs 

banking service chronicle address

banking service chronicle address

Published this article : banking service chronicle address  Comedian Chevy Chase when he anchored the first Saturday Night Live faux-news desk had a running joke that satirized post-mortem the endless medical updates provided by the public relations machine of a dying dictator ... Heres a bulletin from Spain Doctors are reporting that Generalissimo Francisco Franco is holding fast in his valiant fight to remain dead! The point of course was that neither the Spanish public nor the global public at the time was ever fooled by the propaganda of Francos terminal condition during his last days. The tweak also carried undertones that no government could overcome the forces of nature no matter what it announced. That brings us to the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Anyone who has been to the Gulf Coast says that the media images of the devastation there --- no matter how hard they try --- just cannot convey the scope of the disaster. Vast segments of the region have literally been blown back a couple of centuries to a time when electricity telephones running water and the like were either a luxury or a futuristic concept. Usual conveniences such as food shopping are still a major challenge to many. Some jobs may have left with Katrina like her they may never return. This doesnt look like its going to get much better anytime soon either. I thought of this while taking a second look at the pages on the Longer Life site all of which include the American Red Cross public service ad which appeals for donations to their hurricane relief fund. The appeals are just as urgent and relevant today as they were when they were first posted. I sometimes wonder though if those who view them dont get so accustomed to their presence that they ultimately look past them. I know the plan at the Longer Life site is to keep them in place until all needs are met which in my opinion means the Red Cross will be a fixture on their pages for a long time to come. The American government recently released over 100000 pages of documents which dealt with their handling of the crisis. Its notable in the impression that they didnt give the matter much more attention than they would have if the affected area was a third-world country. Having said that the sheer volume of funds required to repair and rebuild is staggering. For example its been cited in the Los Angeles Times that the costliest public works project to date was the shift of freeways in Boston to an underground route. The price tag was $14.6 billion the time factor was 14 years and the object of the exercise was to move just under eight miles of roadway into a tunnel. The Gulf Coast reclamation is going to involve much more than eight miles of tunneling. Its been reported that the federal commitment to this task has already exceeded $62 billion. One third of that amount has already been deployed and it can fairly be said that its effects are hardly noticed. This total will be added to the federal deficit of course right along with the billions being spent to do whatever it is they currently say theyre doing in Iraq. If the current administration holds fast to its pledge against raising taxes the implication is that a host of cuts in other programs are inevitable. Thus Americans wont have to be located along the Gulf Coast to somehow share in its devastation. Among other things some interest groups are now taking a close look at how funds are being utilized and allocated. Allegations of misappropriations and the like are sure to follow. Contrast this state of affairs with the recent earthquake in Pakistan. The magnitude of that disaster was similarly breathtaking. If you missed it the Richter scale measured the quake at 7.8 and an estimated 87000 people were killed. Their government already depends upon the USA for much of its additional aid. It may be a while before they see anything significant to assist in this natural tragedy. One city there will have additional help. Its coming in the form of lottery winnings. A gentleman named Ishan Khan hit it big while working in the USA as a taxi driver. He nailed a $55 million jackpot and took his winnings up front netting over $32 million. Mr Khan moved back to his homeland where that amount of money can spend like $1 billion and where he instantly became one of Pakistans most wealthy private individuals. Its obvious to Mr Khan that private assistance is necessary for relief efforts there to have any immediacy. His village Batagram lost 4500 citizens in the 8 Oct quake and surely a good number of those were known to him. Heres the Associated Press account of his response to date Just days before the earthquake Khan was elected district nazim or mayor of Batagram. After the quake hit he helped pull survivors from the rubble and paid to get the most seriously injured to regional hospitals. He told pharmacists he would pay them later for dispensing all the medicine on their shelves. The bill came to 10 million rupees almost $200000. Khan has bankrolled a program to supply roofing materials to rebuild shattered homes. He bought 150 tents some of which occupy land just outside his mansion with panoramic views of snowcapped peaks. Most important Khan has emerged as a colorful and outspoken critic of local government corruption. In recent days the blue-eyed nazim — who refers to himself simply as Khan — has dismissed the towns police chief and fired another official. Khan promises to continue the housecleaning. We have a calamity and people are lazy unable to move he says. So I started firing people. Relief workers are impressed. Hes a take-charge person says Aziuddin Ahmad who works with a Malaysian aid group. With that record Im sure there would be a good number of towns along the Gulf Coast that would elect him to public office too. With so much money required both public accountability and private incentive are imperative if the effects of these disasters are to be overcome. Lets hope that interest groups in both the USA and Pakistan monitor the former closely and with the greater good in mind. Meanwhile lets not let those Red Cross ads blend into the background. As Mr Khan has exemplified there is no more effective actions than those taken by personal incentive. Do whatever you can do to make sure your governmental representatives understand that accountability in dispersing relief funds is important to taxpayers and can shear years from the completion date of reclamation projects. More directly anytime --- now or whenever as this effort is going to take years to accomplish --- you have a bit of funds to spare forsake the costs of a night on the town or its equivalent and click on the Red Cross ad. Perhaps your donation wont come from winning the lottery but the knowledge that youve helped a disaster victim in need will make it feel like you did. banking service chronicle address

banking service chronicle address

banking services chronicle annual subscription

banking services chronicle annual subscription

Published this article : banking services chronicle annual subscription   Going to the moon again is causing far more controversy today than it could have back in the sixties. Some Americans doubt we can afford it and others are not sure they have seen the giant leap for mankind that the first moon shot promised. It depends on who you ask but dont dare ask me. I didnt think the first moon landing had much significance for reasons that few people share with me. President Bush announced an ambitious plan to return to the moon by 2013-15 near the birthplace of modern flight Kitty Hawk North Carolina. The centenary of flight celebrations was held in Kill Devil Hills in December of 2003 where the President will announced plans to allow NASA to offer up its best to the effort. With funding from congress to supplement their 15.5 billion dollar existing budget NASA will have to do a great deal of aggressive re-tooling and budget squeezing to pull it off by the proposed deadline. I have talked to MIT and Harvard grads who still think that if a rocket whizzes by you in space it makes a whooshing sound much like a jet craft does in the atmosphere. Someone forgot to tell them there is no sound where there is no air. So what you say? Some of these grads are aware that even if we could travel at warp 9 (Star Treks imaginary multiplication of the speed of light) that it would take about one hundred thousand years to make the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy and upon return the earth would be about 1.2 million years older than it is today. But why harp on the small stuff. Only once since I began a twenty year fascination with Einsteins time/light theory have I heard from anyone connected to NASA who dared to address this fact to a sublimely ignorant public. He was hushed up in the slow lane with indifference and a public that couldnt tell you how the world can make it through the next decade without imploding. With a list of almost infinite problems how can we think of getting people out that far much less plan for the return of our astronauts after 4000 generations of time. Im not anti-science in fact I think our world has only improved because of it. But science should be no less immune from a serious reality check than was the church in the dark ages. I believe in the bible  and Im sure it gives us only a very short time to the second coming of Christ. But even at that I would never put the bible against science. I am satisfied that science is the book of how and the bible is the book of why. Being a bible believing Christian I also have another view about space travel. It is hard to believe that every Christian may not agree with me. Until the cost of getting to the moon is more affordable if ever I think the money could be spent more effectively right here on earth and we could be satisfied with singing the official state song of Vermont which is Moonlight in Vermont. Almost every starving child in the world could be fed and clothed for a decade for the cost of sending up only one moon shot. My bible my conscience my common sense and every bone in my body says that would be a far better way to spend the fifteen billion bucks. I know there are those who will think this is a preposterous proposal and perhaps it is. So I will offer yet one more proposal that I think is on the same level as sticking America with a fifteen billion dollar bill just to bring back a few moon rocks. We could look for that cow you know the one who jumped over the moon. We could train his aim for a while so he could hit the darned moon next time. He could jump back with the rocks and dust for our scientists to look over and wed save a bundle of taxpayers cash. Blue moon I saw you standing alone without a dream in your heart Watch out were back . banking services chronicle annual subscription

banking services chronicle annual subscription

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazineyearly subscription published this article page no 28 the red stripe represents heroes blood or religion. when the flag of mexico is paraded in front of a crowd bystanders raise their right arm place their hand on their chest parallel to the heart. the hand is flat with the palm facing the ground. this salute is known as the el saludo civil de la bandera nacional. on february 24 each year a national celebration dia de la bandera flag day is held. this commemorates this day in 1821 when all the factions fighting in the mexican war of independence joined together to form the army of three guarantees. brought to you by to honor your mexican heritage Meri saheli magazine price.

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Junior Science Refresher

 Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india published this article page no 13 with the achievement of independence the struggle didnt end. the nations foundation rested on the enslavement of millions while three-fifths of their number were counted for election purposes so that the southern states could have greater control of the government. some leaders in the former colonies would not agree to joining the united states of america until the bill of rights was ratified and added to the constitution guaranteeing freedom of speech assembly religion the right to a trial and other crucial rights. while we describe our nation as a democracy with the majority ruling the 2000 election saw the candidate with fewer votes becoming president because of our electoral college. in the contested florida recount the supreme court overrode the florida state court in a 5 to 4 decision regarding the recount of contested ballots junior science refresher magazine buy.

 Junior Science Refresher

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

banking services chronicle august 2020

 banking services chronicle august 2020

banking services chronicle august 2020 Published this article page no  An addict is not considered an addict just because he drinks and drugs too much nor because his life spirals downwards because of drugs. These are just predictable symptoms of the progressive disease. Perhaps if we had a new definition for addiction it would not be so difficult to accept that individuals may be suffering from a disease that will eventually destroy their lives. We have all heard that addiction is a disease but how do we truly feel about this issue? When you hear the word "addict" do you think of a junkie crack addict prostitute or a homeless person who begs for money on a street corner? When you here the word addict do you think of a lowlife who has unacceptable behaviors and lower morals? Do you somehow believe that their life circumstance is their fault and that they could "just say no?" A successful CEO attorney doctor or professional with a substance abuse problem would not fall into the category of addict according to the stereotypical definition. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why a professional with a drug problem alcohol included does not easily consider himself to be addicted and readily seek addiction treatment . Success in other venues tends to convince the professional that he can also handle this problem as well especially when he compares himself to addicts who have bottomed out and not entered a drug rehab. If the addicted professional is still semi-functioning and has not yet lost their job house or family his denial system will still be relatively intact. Perhaps if we had a new definition for addiction it would not be so difficult to accept that individuals may be suffering from a disease that will eventually destroy their lives. According to the American Medical Association in order for a illness to be classified as a disease it must meet one of the following criteria. It must be either progressive predictable or terminal. Addiction qualifies as a disease by meeting not just one but all three criteria. An addict is not considered an addict just because he drinks and drugs too much nor because his life spirals downwards because of drugs. These are just predictable symptoms of the progressive disease. Everyone knows that there are blood and urine tests to determine if drugs or alcohol are present in the body. Few of us are aware that there is now a test which determines whether someone has the DNA for the addiction. There is a “Y factor in the genetic coding of alcoholics and addicts. This genetic makeup determines how the body processes and breaks down alcohol or drugs in the system. This “Y factor distinguishes the addict from the drug abuser. An addict born with the DNA coding or Y factor is similar to the person who is born with the predisposition for cancer diabetes or lupus. As with cancer when certain favorable conditions exist the diseases will activate and progress. For those with the addictive gene once addictive chemicals are introduced into the body the disease activates. It does not matter whether the addictive drugs are prescribed by a doctor or bought illegally. There are exceptions to this genetic predisposition guideline. While the children of addicts will almost certainly have the addictive gene in some instances it may skip a generation. However some who do not have the genetic coding for addiction will also become addicted. Why? Drugs like crack cocaine have been designed in laboratories to intentionally cross over this genetic line and become instantly addictive. Have you ever heard of a social crack cocaine smoker? This drug causes someone to bottom out at a much faster pace. Drugs change the brains receptors sites. Enough drug usage can permanently alter the brain and its ability to absorb vital nutrients. Our receptor sites are similar to loading docks in the brain sending and receiving messages continually. These messages are sent through chemicals which are moved about though electrical surges. Not only do drugs alter the chemical balance in the brain they eschew the pattern of energy pulses. But the most damaging effect of drug usage is permanent change in the cell walls upon which other cells dock much like how a key fits into a lock. If the lock is changed then the key wont fit. If you knew that you have the genetic coding for a disease wouldnt you do everything in your power to keep the disease from activating before the need for a drug rehab program? If you understood that your disease was actively progressing wouldnt you seek drug treatment? How can you help someone who does not yet realize that they need help? Family friends and co-workers are in a position to see the effects of drugs long before the addicted has a clue. banking services chronicle august 2020

banking services chronicle annual subscription

 banking services chronicle annual subscription

banking services chronicle annual subscription  Published this article page no  we found a cool apartment! Okay okay…so its not perfect. Just a few bugs. I mean literally! First expense? An exterminator! Is it worth the cash? Well I cant afford a more expensive place so a one-time (please!) cash outlay should be okay. Maybe just a can of “Raid? I need a way to move my stuff. Daddy can I borrow your truck? You dont have one? Why not? Do you want one? Ill help you pick it out! Well it was just a suggestion. No need to get all bent out of shape! I guess Id better call the truck rental places. What do you mean…$200…PLUS mileage? AND Gas? Good grief! While Im on the phone Ill call the utility and phone companies. Yes I know I havent used your services before. No I dont have a credit card this is my first place. You want what? A $100 deposit? For EACH? Holy cow…do you people have a license to steal? Daddy I need $500 for moving expenses! I used all my money for the first and last months rent AND the damage deposit. Well how was I to know this was going to be so expensive? Sell something? Daaaaad…I NEED my TV! Boy this place is pretty empty. Maybe I should buy a couch and a chair. Nah…I have my bed. Thatll be good enough. I dont need a table Ill just use this box. Renters Insurance? I dont think so! What do I have to insure? Just got my first phone call! Id love to come to your party! Daddy I need a car. Because its too far to walk to work thats why. Umm Daddy…theres car insurance too! Thanks Dad…youre the best! And gas? I didnt think so… Time for dinner. Lets look in these boxes. Oh No! No dishes or pans. No FOOD! Uhhh Mom?

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. - Mahatma Gandhi There is a lot of hatred in this world. On the morning of September 11 2001 the world witnessed the terrible repercussions of such hatred. Now Im reading this blog titled “I Hate Racists on that is filled with venom and hatred towards racism and bigotry. By preaching sheer hatred like this you are only adding fuel to the fires that burn in a world already filled with hatred and violence. Most of us are waiting for the world to come together in peace. We may never reach that and it may seem like a farfetched dream but together we must find the means. We must create a safe and secure environment for our children and our childrens children. Racism is a difficult subject to tackle and in order to form a culture free of such racism we must begin with education. If you dont want your children to grow up in a word of hatred teach them tolerance toward race religion color and sexual orientation. We must expose racism and bigotry for what they are. It is important to understand what racism is. Wikipedia describes racism as “Historically it has been defined as the belief that race is the primary determinant of human capacities that a certain race is inherently superior or inferior to others and/or that individuals should be treated differently according to their racial designation. Sometimes racism means beliefs practices and institutions that discriminate against people based on their perceived or ascribed race. Racism is based on ignorance stereotyping and learned hatred. Many people accept that we live in a diverse society today and we appreciate different cultures. However there are still large segments of society that wont accept human capacities are not determined by race. There is no doubt in my mind that we need to find a healthy solution to end racism. It is important to understand the nature of racism and intolerance. Together we can end prejudice. Our fight against racism cannot be won while there are attitudes like the one displayed on against racists. Such behavior is unacceptable. Racism is not an issue that will be easily resolved and the sooner that we begin to work together the sooner well come to a solution. There is a history of racism that cannot be undone but we can look to the future and make positive changes in how society views those of different ethnic backgrounds. Give your children the opportunity to develop close friendships with people of different races. Teach your children to accept people as individuals. We must teach them that there is no room for discrimination. Remember that our children are influenced by the world around them. Examine your own attitudes and opinions about those of a different race. Before stereotyping people stop and think what your stereotyping is doing to our world today. I dont hate all the people in the world I only feel ill towards those who are blind and cannot accept people for who they are. The ability to accept that we are equal regardless of origins is necessary in order to live in a diverse society. To quote the words of John Lennon “I hope someday youll join us and the world will live as one. banking services chronicle annual subscription details

 banking services chronicle annual subscription

banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf

banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf

banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf  Published this article page no  It is truly beyond my abilities to express my gratitude and give my thanks to the military for their service to the world as they fight for our freedom. It is my hope that the following tribute will in part do that. We are at war! While we enjoy our comfortable homes food on the table and clean water to drink thousands of brave men and women of the armed forces are defending our homeland in constant danger lack of sleep cold wet filth dust trenches hunger and longing for home so that we may enjoy our freedom. They have put their personal lives on hold left their families comfort and all they know to go to another country and fight for not only the U.S.A. but the whole world. The United States is the only country who defends other countries and then returns it back to its people enabling them to enjoy their new found freedom from tyranny. The military prevents terror from spreading throughout the world. So lets get behind our troops! Terrorists are brutal murderers without conscience. It is their determination to take out the U.S.A. at any cost and are currently infiltrating and targeting many strategic places of work including government. They will be ready to strike again when the command is given just as they did with the Twin Towers. You can do your part to help prevent this again. We must be prepared. We who have been left at home can also defend our country and there are many ways to do that first by defending and supporting our troops. Families should support their sons and daughters in their decision to defend our country. Suspicious activities should be reported. The media should also be supportive. Think how we could lift our troops morale knowing they have our full support. So the next time you are eating drinking or having a wonderful evening of dancing remember remember who you owe that enjoyment to. Remember those families who kissed their sons and daughters good bye and had the heart wrenching experience of waving their heroes good bye watching them until they are out of sight not knowing when and if they will return. How can we ever repay our debt to these brave souls and their families? God bless and protect our heroes our military men and women! God Bless America! banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf subscribe now

banking services chronicle april 2021 pdf

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

banking services chronicle subscription

 banking services chronicle subscription

banking services chronicle subscription published this article   Israel did miss though quite a few chances to make peace however intermittent and hesitant with its erstwhile enemies. It is also true that it committed itself to a policy of settlements and oppression within the occupied territories which inevitably gave rise to grave and repeated violations on international law. Overlording another people had a corrosive corrupting influence on Israeli society. The AntiIsraeli The Arabs who first welcomed the Jewish settlers and the economic opportunities they represented turned against the new emigrants when they learned of their agenda of occupation displacement and ethnic cleansing. Israel became a pivot of destabilization in the Middle East embroiled in conflicts and wars too numerous to count. Unscrupulous and corrupt Arab rulers used its existence and the menace it reified as a pretext to avoid democratization transparency and accountability. The Jewish Response With the exception of the 1919 FaisalWeitzman declaration Arabs never really welcomed the Jews. Attacks on Jewish outposts and settlers started as early as 1921 and never ceased. The wars in 1948 and in 1967 were initiated or provoked by the Arab states. It is true though that Israel unwisely leveraged its victories to oppress the Palestinians and for territorial gains sometimes in cahoots with much despised colonial powers such as Britain and France in 1956. The AntiIsraeli This volatile mixture of ideological racism Messianic empirebuilding malignant theocracy much resented by the vast majority of secular Jews and alignment with all entities antiArab and antiMuslim will doom the Jewish country. In the long run the real inheritors and proprietors of the Middle East are its longterm inhabitants the Arabs. A strong army is not a guarantee of longevity  see the examples of the USSR and Yugoslavia. Even now it is not too late. Israel can transform itself into an important and benevolent regional player by embracing its Arab neighbors and by championing the causes of economic and scientific development integration and opposition to outside interference in the regions internal affairs. The Arabs exhausted by decades of conflict and backwardness are likely to heave a collective sigh of relief and embrace Israel  reluctantly at first and more warmly as it proves itself a reliable ally and friend. Israels demographic problem is more difficult to resolve. It requires Israel to renounce its exclusive racist and theocratic nature. Israel must suppress by force if need be the lunatic fringe of militant religious fanatics that has been haunting its politics in the last three decades. And it must extend a welcoming hand to its Arab citizens by legislating and enforcing a set of Civil Rights Laws. The Jewish Response Whether this Jewish state is doomed or not time will tell. Peace with our Arab neighbors and equal treatment of our Arab citizens should be our two overriding strategic priorities. The Jewish State cannot continue to live by the sword lest it perishes by it. If the will is there it can be done. The alternative is too horrible to contemplate. banking services chronicle april 2021

 banking services chronicle subscription

banking services chronicle reasoning book pdf

 banking services chronicle reasoning book pdf 

banking services chronicle reasoning book pdf  Published this article page no    Looking for a paradise wedding or have friends that are looking for the perfect place to get married? We have lots of romantic ideas for a heavenly Maui wedding. At the beach near a waterfall or in a chapel with the fragrance of tropical flowers borne on gentle trade winds caressing your face -- a Maui sun bids Aloha to another day in Paradise. It is quite simply the perfect place to celebrate your wedding vows. Here are a few of the ingredients that will imprint your wedding day on your minds for years to come. Maui Hawaii is the second largest island in the Hawaiian archipelago in both size and population located some 1800 miles off the south western seaboard of the United States. Hawaii is one of the top tourist destinations for the majority of Americans and hence a Maui wedding is highly desirable taking place in one of the worlds foremost wedding and honeymoon destinations. The weather in Maui is also most attractive as it is year round tropical however it is most consistently pleasant outside the months of January and February (dead of winter). Maui offers several fascinating attractions including the unforgettable sight of a surfacing whale biking through wine country snorkeling the tiny atoll of Molokini or enjoying a stage production at the Historic Iao Theater. A reasonable stay of seven days or more is recommended if you want to explore more than one Hawaiian Island. Maui Hawaii offers the enamored an ideal place to declare their love. Several professional services for Maui Weddings are in great demand and wedding providers such as are at hand to assist in every way from classic beach weddings to larger formal affairs. A beautiful wedding of land and sea the island of Maui offers newlyweds any number of romantic options. An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a kahu which is a Hawaiian minister. A Maui wedding may also include an elaborate luau (pronounced loo-ow) celebration. A luau is a Hawaiian gathering of family and friends to enjoy good food company and times. In addition to the Hawaiian tradition of the ceremony many couples decide to incorporate the exchanging of the lei where each person gives their betrothed a lei. (A lei is a flower necklace.) For the bride the pikake lei seems to be one of the most popular varieties because of its sweet fragrance and delicate appearance. Pikake is a seasonal flower and has limited availability but there are many other fragrant flowers to choose from. Grooms usually receive a maile lei which is quite masculine and drapes loosely around the neck. The maile lei has beautiful green leaves which have a sweet smell and little fragrance. It also dries quickly and can be retained as a cherished keepsake for many years to come. Another tradition that is sometimes performed is the conch shell announcement of the ceremony. Here a conch shell blower introduces the nuptials and a Hawaiian chanter often follows in precession. A hula dance usually adds the perfect touch of Hawaii and can portray a beautiful message of love. Some brides have even taken it upon themselves to learn a hula dance and perform it as a surprise to their grooms. (The hiring of a professional hula dancer can be easily arranged.) Hawaiian music can easily be adapted for any wedding. A soulful ukulele and guitar accompaniment can evoke the most melodic sounds. The “Hawaiian Wedding Song is a popular request for many wedding couples here in Maui. banking services chronicle reasoning book pdf

 banking services chronicle reasoning book pdf 

banking services chronicle june 2021

 banking services chronicle june 2021

banking services chronicle june 2021  Published this article page no    The failure is sundered within each of us it festers as blame to others a manifestation of the shame that belongs not to ourselves but of the participants of a deadlier game. Yet innately the affectation begins with our own visceral manumission of guilt and sadly empirically lies buried in our own personal failings. The failure is sundered within each of us it festers as blame to others a manifestation of the shame that belongs not to ourselves but of the participants of a deadlier game. Yet innately the affectation begins with our own visceral manumission of guilt and sadly empirically lies buried in our own personal failings. We ponder all that which seems inherently wrong. We awaken to ourselves each morning and gaze at the soul that stares back at us and ask What do I know of such things Politically we are involved in a myriad of wars our own political system has become moribund and incapable of decisive and thoughtful longterm beneficial actions.  At the same time we have managed to cause a global warming process that may not be reversible with unfathomably catastrophic consequences. Yet we no longer trust our scientific community as we undermine their ability to help them help us make informed decisions. Corporations are now the new soulless leaders of the same communities that we raise our children in our children pain and agony none withstanding are but fodder for their institutionalized thought and labor. Lobbyists are but jackals which obfuscate and enable the lack of clear and forward thinking that would be required to navigate through these complicated times. Woe be to the participants the excoriated politicians the confused and parsed scientists  the unfeeling and automatonic corporations the jackbooted lobbyists with their narrowminded obfuscations and still there are bureaucrats the everplodding stewards of the status quo. All are to blame.  It becomes utterly confusing and so we consequently throw up our hands and hope that serendipity might take us all to the promised land of Biblical and Koranic paradises of no responsibility and perfect harmony for all eternity.  When we each awaken in the morning and look in the mirror the failure should be obvious. Our visage stares back at us in mute mirth smirking at our lack of insight. How convenient that they should all provide themselves as cannon fodder for our obvious shortcomings. Chaos complexity theory applies here in its truest sense.  Things are not so simple and become ever more complicated and require ever more attention then before. The problems today are more complicated any pandering to a simple explanation is an abject definition of ignorance.  There are no backwoods colloquialisms that fit a particular situation present day analogies aside.  The query remains what we know as a collective intrinsically defined by what we know individually and how we apply this knowledge so we can make informed decisions in our lives as well as a people.  Requiring less dooms us to failure as the founders of democracy failed in old Greece. Guilt is a primordial emotion we all feel and all are too familiar with its cold narcissistic touch. We wrap ourselves in a comforting cocoon of justification but as the feeling is primordial it is useless to try and escape its darkening touch. It declares us to be unfit fathers and mothers a chronic waster of valuable time its ball peen steeliness pounding into us the failures that we truly are. But what an enlightened group we have become and let us pat ourselves on the back as congratulations are due as the selfhelp nation is within its goal of declaring victory on its war on guilt puncturing its effectiveness and regulating it to some type of psychosis.  Perhaps there might be a reason for guilt for it to be a primordial emotion as is it possible that the survival of our species requires this most irritating and pervasive type of thought.  Does complete victory deign us capable of justifying anything The fault is our own in each and every one of us. Ask yourself what you know of history Middle eastern history might be of value at this point but what pray tell do you know of any of the underlying political issues of the day  Have you researched them or are you listening to the evershortening descriptions provided by someone else you may know or perhaps the 15 second sound bite doled out by our media What do you know of the education system we currently use What do you know of stem cell research Are any of the short synopses youve heard something that you would be satisfied with if you or your loved ones life depended upon it  What is string theory For that matter what is quantum physics It has been around for 75 years and is it really too complicated or are you really so lazy you just couldnt spare the time When was the last time you picked up a book a real book not a piece of tripe I know you suffer from the guilt I do and I read fifty or odd tomes a year we all suffer and should. Guilt is defined as the punishment one can receive when guilty of a moral wrong. Our punishment is as aforementioned and fully justified for the innate failure within each of us not to take the time to be overly educated and informed to never reach for what we do not know to not search and forever fulfill the emptiness of our knowledge. Guilt has judged us and is providing the punishment as we speak. banking services chronicle june 2021

 banking services chronicle june 2021

competition success magazine

competition success magazine competition success magazine  this article was published in the magazine the indian space sector is projected t...