banking services chronicle subscription
banking services chronicle subscription published this article Israel did miss though quite a few chances to make peace however intermittent and hesitant with its erstwhile enemies. It is also true that it committed itself to a policy of settlements and oppression within the occupied territories which inevitably gave rise to grave and repeated violations on international law. Overlording another people had a corrosive corrupting influence on Israeli society. The AntiIsraeli The Arabs who first welcomed the Jewish settlers and the economic opportunities they represented turned against the new emigrants when they learned of their agenda of occupation displacement and ethnic cleansing. Israel became a pivot of destabilization in the Middle East embroiled in conflicts and wars too numerous to count. Unscrupulous and corrupt Arab rulers used its existence and the menace it reified as a pretext to avoid democratization transparency and accountability. The Jewish Response With the exception of the 1919 FaisalWeitzman declaration Arabs never really welcomed the Jews. Attacks on Jewish outposts and settlers started as early as 1921 and never ceased. The wars in 1948 and in 1967 were initiated or provoked by the Arab states. It is true though that Israel unwisely leveraged its victories to oppress the Palestinians and for territorial gains sometimes in cahoots with much despised colonial powers such as Britain and France in 1956. The AntiIsraeli This volatile mixture of ideological racism Messianic empirebuilding malignant theocracy much resented by the vast majority of secular Jews and alignment with all entities antiArab and antiMuslim will doom the Jewish country. In the long run the real inheritors and proprietors of the Middle East are its longterm inhabitants the Arabs. A strong army is not a guarantee of longevity see the examples of the USSR and Yugoslavia. Even now it is not too late. Israel can transform itself into an important and benevolent regional player by embracing its Arab neighbors and by championing the causes of economic and scientific development integration and opposition to outside interference in the regions internal affairs. The Arabs exhausted by decades of conflict and backwardness are likely to heave a collective sigh of relief and embrace Israel reluctantly at first and more warmly as it proves itself a reliable ally and friend. Israels demographic problem is more difficult to resolve. It requires Israel to renounce its exclusive racist and theocratic nature. Israel must suppress by force if need be the lunatic fringe of militant religious fanatics that has been haunting its politics in the last three decades. And it must extend a welcoming hand to its Arab citizens by legislating and enforcing a set of Civil Rights Laws. The Jewish Response Whether this Jewish state is doomed or not time will tell. Peace with our Arab neighbors and equal treatment of our Arab citizens should be our two overriding strategic priorities. The Jewish State cannot continue to live by the sword lest it perishes by it. If the will is there it can be done. The alternative is too horrible to contemplate. banking services chronicle april 2021
banking services chronicle subscription
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