competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Friday, September 10, 2021

Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this is article page no 55 unlike the shifty programmed and selfishly partisan politicians i am used to watching on sunday morning political tv barack obama countered tim russerts questions with poise spontaneity and most important he seemed very genuine. in a political system muddied and tainted by arrogance corruption and incompetence watching and listening to obama is inordinately refreshing. in obama i see an intelligent and capable man unlike the current president who constantly reminds me of an unprepared and confused open book open notes exam taker badly rehearsed and totally incapable of articulating his views without the stewardship of his fathers cronies karl rove his political architect and a bone breaking conglomeration of hyena special interest groups. obamas apparent good human qualities added to the fact that he is a great american story makes the senator a very attractive prospect for the ultimate prize in politics -- the presidency of the united states. is obama presidential material? many cite his lack of political experience claiming his resume is too thin for a run at the presidency. i disagree and here is why 1. unlike other black leaders obama doesnt grind white noses in racism and at the same time he is a symbol of hope to millions of dis-affected blacks and other minorities. judging by his senatorial election win of a 70% majority obama has proven that he is a very powerful vote magnet across racial lines. he has established an inclusive track record that would be vital in a presidential election if he decides to run. his candidacy would draw out millions of dormant black voters thus making the democratic candidacy more viable. on the flipside we all know that there are some whites such as the right wing gutter constituents of con-man rush limbaugh who will forever embrace racism and will never accept a black president. a president obama would mark the beginning of the placement this irritant breed to the fringes of political obscurity. 2. he is not a bumbling idiot appears humble and has not been tainted with partisan politics. perhaps even more important is that he is a confident intellectual which i think is a necessary pre-requisite for handling the complex issues of the highest political office in the world. 3. the last republican president who had some smarts was the foul-mouthed bigot -- richard milhouse nixon who engineered his own downfall with a lethal concoction of homophobia anti-semitism anti-black and communist paranoia. as a matter of fact nixons political career spanned three decades of scare mongering witch-hunts and dirty tricks the same tactics that have been successfully deployed by the current administration over the last six years. all others after him have been bumbling buffoons with slight exceptions in george h.w. bush and ronald reagan. reagan the serial liar who made americans feel good about themselves was not only ill informed but partially senile towards the end of his second term - not particularly smart but a great political actor whose major achievements included presiding over the disintegration of the soviet empire (which was inevitable anyway) misuse of the world bank and funding of cia death squads to safeguard the corporate thievery by us multinational companies in latin american countries.... and the worst in my opinion propping the racist apartheid regime in south africa banking service chronicle monthly magazine.

 Banking service chronicle

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