Competition Success Review published this article page no 4 now we have thrown fiscal responsibility out the window. the leaders argue as long as the rate of growth of the deficit is lower than the rate of growth of the economy its okay to have deficits. this is the same line the democrats used for 40 years only now its coming out of the mouths of the republicans. heres the bottom line and read it carefully. you and i as citizens of the greatest country in 10000 years of civilization are at the crossroads. we have to choose and choose now. our freedoms are being usurped by corporate and institutional interests. once we elect officials it seems they are at the mercy of lobbyists who have what seems like infinite amounts of money to influence our democratically chosen leaders. the laws and programs that you and i as liberal and conservative thinkers would choose are not getting done. instead it seems that special interests are having their needs met to the detriment of 300 million americans. we can not survive very long as a viable society and meet the growing economic and military threat posed by chinas emergence as well as other nation states unless we are all aligned in the same direction. the waste and mismanaged programs we are seeing are going to generate a drag on our system that will make us far less competitive in the next ten years to deal with the rest of the world. farming is gone its a non factor. manufacturing is heading the same way with globalization. we are headed towards a post-industrial society. we are almost there. we will move towards a fully service oriented society shortly. will we have the jobs for our people to replace those jobs going overseas? maybe maybe not but next week we have an election you must choose choose wisely. goodbye and good luck richard stoyeck ps the biggest joke is that if the democrats get elected we are going to trade one set of lobbyists for another one set of special interests for another one party devoid of ideas for another. somehow the people need to be back in control again and voting for the default party isnt the right answer either competition success review magazine Subscribe online.
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